
Golf Premier League – Round 4

Round 4 was completed at Southern on Monday, October 3. (Round 3 was cancelled)
The Eagle Hunters have consolidated their lead.

Ladder after Round 4

Team results at Southern

Round 5 will be at Latrobe on October 16th of September

Proxy Form for the AGM

if for some reason you cannot attend the 20222 AGM, you may cast your vote with the use of the Proxy form attached. You can utilise 2 mothodes to deliver the Proxy form as follows: Paper based form (Print, Fill in, Scab or Post or email  MDVGA – click here or use the electronic version, to fill in online and …

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Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022

Our Annual General Meeting is to be held on Monday 5th September 2022 at Spring Valley Golf Club after completion of the round. Business: To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 6 December 2021 To consider and if thought fit to adopt the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of account for the year ending 30 June, 2022 …

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2022 Annual Report Now Available

The 2022 Annual Report is now available for members to review. You will need to login to the members areas(Under bookings) and then click on the Members Only area – in Pink Fixtures (

Golf Premier League

The MDVGA is going to implement an exciting teams based event to run in parallel to our normal event schedule for the rest of 2022 (i.e. the next 6 events). It is using the well tested Golf Premier League (GPL) Your scores in the normal MDVGA events will be used as your member team scores for the GPL. The GPL …

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Course Selection for 2023

A subcommittee comprising, Cec Bailey, Richard Harmer, Ian Tait and Larry Wilson was tasked with proposing a Schedule of Events for 2023 that took into account the results of the recent survey. The objective was primarily to make the schedule more attractive to members to play and retain their MDVGA involvement. The number of events will be reduced to 18. …

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Mid Season – Golfer of the Year Ladder

We are now at the mid-season break and the Golfer of the year competition is starting to tighten up Tony Jones and Ian Norman have established a handy lead but have a solid field chasing them. For the detailed ladder visit the GoY site